Good morning from beautiful Big Sky Country. Woke up to a cool morning. We came into Miles City to do laundry and let the floor dry on the cabin. Yes, we finally received the cabin on Wednesday. Well worth the wait. Jason from 3 G construction did the leveling but with the weather and his other commitments, it took a while to get him out. The story of our lives here in Montana. Hurry up and wait. David from Montana Sheds transportation delivered on Wednesday. We were his escort, lol. On Tuesday, he said he didn't have any one to escort him, so he wasn't sure if he would be able to make it out to our place. Of course, I said we would do it. Yesterday we went to Billings to buy the light fixtures and some other stuff. Ending up buying a bed and a new mattress. Whoo hoo! Oh and then Stephen refinished the floors yesterday evening with Polyurethane. We will install fixtures tomorrow and I will post pictures later. Have a blessed day!
June 12: We had to drive into Miles City to purchase a 10x14 foot shed because our household goods were delivered today and there wasn't enough room in the second 20ft Container for the furniture. This would have all been mitigated if our cabin was already in place but everything is twice as hard to do here. We are still waiting on the contractor to level the land where the building will go. I don't even want to go into the horrible mess we received today. The boxes were crushed, the plastic storage containers were broke, ugh. What a mess. Don't use Scobey Moving in San Antonio. Yesterday, we had to go into Forsyth to get the certified check. Tomorrow we are going back to Forsyth to attend the American Legion meeting. If we like them, we will transfer our membership. I am going to try to do a video of our current living quarters, so everyone can understand the tight fit. Bottom line, we are loving it out here. Just need to learn to roll with the punches. June 2: Woke up to 50 degree weather but at least the sun was shining. In Miles City, washing clothes, grocery shopping and using the internet. Of all the things I miss the most, it's the ability to wash clothes.
June 5: It's always something. Our household goods still haven't arrived and our fencing tools and materials are in there. We have to add two more strands of barbed wire, the cattle are arriving. No not our cattle, the leased cattle. So to take advantage of the 1 1/2 trip, we brought the clothes to wash. The dogs will get a wash too because in close quarters, they are kind of stinky. Thunderstorms rolled thru last night, so Ginger ended up in bed with us. The things we do for our dogs, lol The contractor came out last night, and he can talk. The good news is that he will be able to level the area, the bad news is that it may not be for a few weeks. We can't do anything until that is done, so barn building is on hold. June 10: Waking up to a cold and windy morning, we decided to go out and do some sightseeing. Steve got really burnt yesterday while we were building the Chicken Tractor. This was an all day project, but believe my chickens love it. Very nice design and it should hold up to the windy Montana days. On saturday, we had to make a trip to Miles City. Spent all day here and didn't even have a chance to get on the internet. But on the plus side, washed clothes and the dogs. Ginger stayed clean, Phoenix, not so much. I caught here digging several places to lie down. So much for a clean dog. We received the cell phone booster, but it depends on electricity and an antenna. We aren't going to do any permanent mountings to the horse trailer, so we will wait until the caving arrives. May 1: All packed up, waiting for good weather
May 4: 16 hours on the road. Spending the night in Cheyenne WY May 5: Happy Cinco de Mayo. On the road again. Scenery is awesome. May 23: living off the grid means limited cell phone service and no internet. We finished move #5 last Sunday. Set uo our living quarters. Living small mean very little room, lol. The weather has been beautiful. Our 4 horses are on site and loving the green grass. Steve left back to Texas to pick up the last 2 horses. May 25: trip to town to wash clothes and get ice. Cant believe gas is $2.99 a gallon. Wow! So much for beautiful weathwr. We had hail and then thunderstorms. The dogs went crazy. Plus climbing up to the top of the horse trailer is not one of my favorite things. Well till next time Good morning from Big Sky country. Well all the hurry up and wait for the shed and it was delivered Friday without the key. We are in Miles City, washing clothes, picking up groceries and of course the KEY! I keep telling myself, we have no place to be, no time schedule to follow. Just let it roll off like water off a duck's back. Hope everyone is having an awesome day. Loving the weather up here too.
June 15: Our household goods were delivered and what a mess. 75% of the boxes were crushed or broken. I haven't found any items that were damaged, although there were ants in the box with the vinegar. What? We had to purchase a shed, from Montana Sheds in Miles City,, to put the excess stuff in since the boxes weren't stackable. What's bad is that the wardrobe boxes were crushed. Who puts stuff on top of wardrobe boxes? They weren't made for stacking. So we didn't go to the American Legion meeting because our shed was supposed to be delivered that day, what a story that is but today Mike from the Great Falls office and his family delivered it. Just in time. It started raining as they were leaving. Had road base delivered today. wow, cost 2.5 x more than in Texas. Everything is harder here. Takes longer to get service and boy the weather is something else. Cool every morning and evening, raining every 3rd to 4th day I know the rain is good, keeps the grass wet, less chance of fires. We finished adding the two lines of Barbed wire on the 30 acres, now to fence the remaining acreage. That's a job for cooler months.
April 2024
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